PyData Yerevan 2022

Using Python for the PCR design or an easy way to data analysis in life science projects
08-12, 16:15–16:55 (Asia/Yerevan), 114W PAB

Using Python for the PCR design or an easy way to data analysis in life science projects.

Development of the life science projects is often based on Python, as these projects have to do with data analysis and optimization problems -- the language is widespread, universal, and expressive.
In one of our projects, we worked on a solution for a widely spread reaction used in health care -- PCR and, consequently, data analysis.
This can be easily realized using Python libraries like NumPy.
The engineers used NumPy to build graphs based on the sequences’ statistics efficiently.
During my talk, I’ll share the benefits of using Python we got, why we need the Steiner tree problem, and why optimizing graphs is the key to solving the optimization problem we had at hand.
Quantori works at the intersection of IT, biology, chemistry, medicine, and other fields of studies to create solutions that maintain and improve people’s health and life quality. So, it is essential to find the optimal algorithms and solutions to complex projects, work out efficient processes, and ensure the products’ high standards.

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