PyData Yerevan 2022

BERT Model for Real World Healthcare Data
08-13, 15:30–16:10 (Asia/Yerevan), 113W PAB

Early indication and detection of diseases, can provide patients with the chance of early intervention, better disease management, and efficient allocation of healthcare resources. The latest developments in machine learning provides a great opportunity to address this unmet need. In this lecture, we introduce modified BERT: A deep neural sequence transduction model designed for electronic health records (EHR). We will consider the application of this methodology to the task of classifying patients into cohorts reflecting different disease patterns.

Early indication and detection of diseases, can provide patients with the chance of early intervention, better disease management, and efficient allocation of healthcare resources. The latest developments in machine learning provides a great opportunity to address this unmet need. In this lecture, we introduce modified BERT: A deep neural sequence transduction model designed for electronic health records (EHR). We will consider the application of this methodology to the task of classifying patients into cohorts reflecting different disease patterns.

Prior Knowledge Expected

Previous knowledge expected

Machine Learning Engineer / Data Science Team Lead at Quantori end-to-end digital
IT service provider for the life science and healthcare industries.